We began the lesson by getting into partners (myself and Anya worked together) and were then instructed that one of the two should lie flat, face down, relaxing into the floor. Anya decided to lay down first as everyone who wasn’t laid down was instructed to lay over the top of our partners body. In order to prevent injury we had to slowly put all of our weight into our partners torso until we were laid flat, on a 90 degree angle from them. Once our weight had comfortably been placed on our partners we began experimenting with rolling up and down there bodies. It was important to keep our own bodies relaxed as any tension could of been really painful to Anya. This exercise (when swapped around and tried on me) made me realise that I can take weight on my body, rather than just being the one whi’s weight is lifted all the time. In turn I think this has helped me realise that when It comes to contact inmprovisation I need to take more risks and see how far I can push my own body.
Once we had got used to the release of our own weight in our bodies and the feeling of being relaxed but alert, we then sat upright, back to back with the same partner. This next exercise was referred to as ‘the wave’ and involved partner A laying down from the upright position whilst being mirrored by partner B, and then rolling away from partner B while they had to follow and place their torso over partner A’s moving body. This exercise really challenged me as I felt as though I wasn’t in control which is something that I have realised I don’t like.
We then entered the space and did some improvised movement with and added ‘pause’ instruction from our partners. Once paused our partner would then have to find a way to balance themselves in a way that involved them with our bodies. This was really tricky at first, but once we got the hang of it then it became quite fun to do.
We then applied all of the lessons technique into a 3 minute piece.